Scopri gli eventi chiave e le storie di coloro che hanno vissuto questo difficile periodo storico.
Chantal Nobécourt era una ragazza di 19 anni quando, nell’estate del 1944, si offrì volontaria nella Croce Rossa a Caen....
Christiaan Lindemans was a Dutch resistance member and escape line organizer, who turned a double agent for the German i...
Cornelius Ryan is the author of 'The Longest Day: 6 June 1944 - an account of the D-Day invasion'. He wrote his most fam...
La ventenne polacca Czesława Sidor era tra le decine di migliaia di donne messe ai lavori forzati a Berlino. Durante i d...
The Polish freedom fighter Danuta Siedzikówna (born 1928) enlisted in the Home Army in 1943 in her strive to end the Ger...
Edouard Gérard riuscì a raggiungere la Gran Bretagna dopo l’invasione tedesca del suo paese natale in Belgio. Si arruolò...
Fred Glavan lasciò la scuola superiore, in Minnesota, per unirsi alle forze speciali aviotrasportate americane. Gli ci v...
During the D-Day invasion of 6 June 1944, journalist Fred Perfect sailed with the Allied troops on HMS Largs. As the Dai...
Gisela Stange visse da vicino la Battaglia di Berlino quando, a 16 anni, venne assegnata al servizio medico del Volksstu...
Hans Kuik nacque il 19 novembre 1926. Nel maggio 1940, assieme a suo fratello maggiore Bert, assistette all’attacco ai P...
Nel 1944 Horst Helmus compiva diciotto anni. Per alcuni anni i tedeschi di Gummersbach, una cittadina a est di Colonia, ...
Hubert Pierlot, born in Cugnon, Belgium, was Prime Minister of the Belgian government in exile in London from September ...
The German Ilse Schier spent her childhood and youth in East Prussia, the easternmost part of the German Reich. Her rura...
In the last year of the Second World War, Jenny-Wanda Barkmann was a young SS-guard in the German concentration camp Stu...
Juan Pujol Garcia, known by the British codename Garbo, was a double agent during the Second World War. Pujol played a k...
The war took his family and his home. In 1945 Julius Erasmus returned to the Hürtgen Forest. On his own initiative he st...
Captain Franciszek Dąbrowski was major Sucharski right-hand man during the defence of the Military Depot at Westerplatte...
During the German assault on the Westerplatte, Mieczysław Słaby was responsible for treating the wounded. In spite of th...
Karl-Heinz Kracht era un caporale tedesco di 19 anni quando combatté per la prima volta, nella battaglia di Arnhem. Era ...
During the battle for the Scheldt the island of Walcheren was bombed heavily by the Allied air force. The aim of these b...
Corporal Leo Major landed in Europe on D-day and took part in every major operation of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Divisio...
Major Henryk Sucharski, the commander of the small garrison at Westerplatte, was under orders to thwart the German advan...
The 14-year-old Jew Manfred Steinfeld fled from Nazi Germany to the USA in 1938. Seven years later he returned with the ...
Mark Clark ricoprì un ruolo di primo piano nella campagna d’Italia (1943-1945). Fu prima comandante della 5a Armata USA ...