Odkryj kluczowe wydarzenia wojenne i historie tych, którzy przeżyli ten ważny okres w naszej historii.
Jean de Lattre de Tassigny dowodził francuską "Armią B", w późniejszym okresie nazywaną 1 Armią. Była ona największą fra...
Po wyprowadzeniu Japończyków z Guadalcanal w 1943 roku, generał Patch dowodził amerykańską 7 Armią od momentu lądowań po...
Lieutenant Shalwa Loladze was a Georgian soldier fighting for the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Second World War....
During the Second World War the U.S. Armed Forces were segregated based on race. The 761st Tank Battalion, known as the ...
After the Allied outbreak from Normandy in August 1944 the population of Paris decided that it was time to try to libera...
Jako hinduska tajna agentka Noor Inayat Khan działała w brytyjskich tajnych służbach Special Operations Executive (SOE) ...
As part of not only the French Armed Forces but also the Free French Forces under command by Charles de Gaulle, Edgard T...
Sophie Scholl odegrała istotną rolę w grupie oporu Białej Róży. Przejawiała wyjątkowo rozwiniętą świadomość polityczną i...
The Allied forces insisted only white soldiers would be present for the liberation of Paris. Claude Mademba-Sy was an ex...
During Operation Amherst, French parachutists were dropped in Drenthe. The goal of this operation was to support the Can...
For a long time the prevailing view among the U.S. Air Force was that African Americans could not fly airplanes. However...
Joe Polowsky was one of the U.S. soldiers who met the Soviet troops on the Elbe near Torgau in April 1945. After the war...
The Women’s Land Army (WLA) was established to avoid a food shortage in the United Kingdom in 1939. Daphne Mary Banks (n...
During the Second World War, American Lee Miller was one of the few female photographers accredited as war correspondent...
Marcel Pinte probably was the youngest French resistance fighter during the Second World War. As a six year old he helpe...