Odkryj kluczowe wydarzenia wojenne i historie tych, którzy przeżyli ten ważny okres w naszej historii.
On 13 September 1944, the British liberated Mol. Nearby, every crossing on the Kempen Canal Bocholt-Herentals was fought...
Merksplas was the scene of heavy fighting during the last days of September 1944. On 29 September, British troops delive...
On the night of 14-15 February 1943, German guns brought down a Royal Air Force bomber over Meerhout. The HE164, a Vicke...
On the night of 3 to 4 October, the shelling lasted almost 10 hours. Dozens of civilians did not survive the bombing. It...
The battle erupted in full force. For a fortnight, both camps shot back and forth. Kalmthout was heavily bombed. Many ho...
House to house, body to body. On 25 September 1944 Canadian liberators crossed the Dessel-Turnhout-Schoten canal near Ri...
On October third 1944, Allied troops took Brasschaat. After liberation, a gruesome discovery was made at the Maria-ter-H...
The liberators were coming. On 4 September, British tanks rushed towards Boom. Their mission: to liberate Antwerp and th...
Brickworks battlesOn 24 September, the battle erupted. With the help of local resistance fighters, the 49th Infantry Div...
On 24 September, troops of the British 53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division advanced from Postel, across the northern canal ba...
The sparsely built-up area around Kasterlee was home to a lot of German anti-aircraft artillery during World War II. The...
The end of the war was already in sight in Heist-op-den-Berg in August 1944. On 29 August, the women and children of the...
Antwerp had been liberated, but the Germans were entrenched behind the Albert Canal. The Command of the British 50th Nor...
On 14 September 1944, the 15th Scottish Infantry Division managed to cross the Bocholt-Herentals Canal and form a small ...
On March 6 1945, at around 10 pm, a German flying bomb struck Heuvelplein. The projectile came down on the corner of Nie...
In September 1944, projectiles from Germans and British crossed each other for days over the Kempisch Kanaal at Mol-Donk...
During World War II, the Nazis used the Dossin Barracks as an assembly camp for nearly 26,000 Jews, Roma and Sinti. Plan...
In the final months before liberation, several aircraft crashed near Gierle. On 9 May 1944, a US B-24 bomber crashed at ...
From 3 September 1944, the Germans began the retreat. They claimed everything with wheels, from bicycles to farm carts. ...
We wrześniu 1944 r. wojska alianckie osiągnęły linię biegnącą od Luksemburga do Antwerpii. Hitler postanowił wówczas prz...
Od czerwca 1940r., planując najazd na Wielką Brytanię, Niemcy zadowalali się systemem obronnym wzdłuż wybrzeża od Calais...
Wieczorem, 6 czerwca 1944 r. siły sprzymierzone zdobyły przyczółki we wszystkich pięciu sektorach lądowania. Zwycięstwo ...
Swój pierwszy przydział 82 Dywizja Powietrznodesantowa U.S.A. otrzymała latem 1943r., kiedy to Alianci lądowali na Sycyl...
Cztery lata po rozbiciu obrony Francji, Belgii i Holandii wiosną 1940 r. angielskie i amerykańskie wojska sprzymierzone ...