#Exhibition - The Netherlands

Photo exhibition 'WW2 in colour' - Aardenburg



Photo exhibition of coloured black-and-white photographs from World War II

For the four-part book series ‘WW2 in colour’, colourist Jakob Lagerweij coloured black-and-white photographs from World War II.

The black-and-white photos in the many image banks show the drabness of the war; Lagerweij's coloured-in photos make the war come closer. The colour photo is likely to hold the viewer's gaze longer.

'By colouring a black-and-white photo, you give the image a new dimension. Colour brings perception and detail. It makes it much easier to imagine times gone by.'

Jakob Lagerweij's work features texts by journalists Ad van Liempt, Jaap Visser and Matty Verkamman.

During the tensootn exhibition, the book series will be on sale in a collector's binder at the museum.

The photos are on display at Museum Cultuurforum Aardenburg, Sint Bavostraat 3, Aardenburg.

Admission to the exhibition is free.

Opening hours can be found on the website of Museum Cultuurforum Aardenburg

Museum Cultuurforum Aardenburg Sint Bavostraat 3 Aardenburg


Organiser: Cultuurforum Aardenburg

See the website
