Outdoor Liberation Festival with music from the 44s/45s, poetry and dance.
The commemoration of the end of WWII in our region is the occasion for a liberation festival that will be the immediate finale of the Field Barn season. Music will be heard from 11.00 am and a little later the first runners of the Bridge2Bridge Half Marathon will pass by. At noon, the programme will start and performances with music, poetry and dance will alternate.
11.00: Field barn is open. Music and walk-through half-marathon ‘Bridge2Bridge’: Registration see www.nederasseltgezond.nl.
12.00 p.m.: 1st performance Boy Edgar Tribute (led by Pieter Engels)
12.30pm: Dance Departement Malden ‘War Brides’ (Choreography Janne van Lanen)
12.45 p.m.: Music
13.30: Arrival relay walkers 11 days Market Garden Freedom Trail
14.00: Opening afternoon programme - Mayor of the Municipality of Heumen
14.05 hrs: Marjolein Pieks, poetry ‘Freedom falls from the sky
2.20 pm: Dance Department Malden ‘War Brides’ (Choreography Janne van Lanen)
14.30: Bubbles & Boas, tunes from WWII (a.o. Andrew Sisters)
15.00: 2nd performance Boy Edgar Tribute (conducted by Pieter Engels)
15.30: BigBand 6611 Muziekvereniging KNA Overasselt (conducted by Pier Borkent).
16.30 hrs: Bubbles & Boas
17.00: Closing drinks
Organiser: Comité 80 jaar Market Garden