#Guided tour - The Netherlands

Guided tour of Jewish cemetery



Every last Sunday of the month from April to October, there is a guided tour of the Jewish cemetery on Hondsbergselaan in Oisterwijk at 11am

 You will be guided through one of the oldest and most perfectly preserved Jewish cemeteries in the Netherlands. Over 200 old graves ‘tell’ in an hour and a half about the fascinating history and culture of the Jews of Oisterwijk.

Around 1730, Salomon Simon was the first Jew to settle in Oisterwijk. From then on, several Jewish peddlers, butchers and traders followed. The first Jewish rabbi Jekutiel ben Zuskind, a Polish physician sent to Oisterwijk from Amsterdam, founded a rapidly growing Jewish community. As early as 1748, a burial of a Jewish resident of Oisterwijk took place and the cemetery was put into use.

The monumental cemetery has been thoroughly restored in recent years under the supervision of the National Cultural Heritage Agency. Our aim is not only to preserve the cultural heritage but also to pass it on to present generations. You are most welcome!

Reservations for the guided tour are required.

Hondsbergselaan None, Oisterwijk

k.kruijssen@vvvnoordoostbrabant.nl None

Organiser: VVV Noordoost-Brabant
