#Commemoration - The Netherlands

Commemoration liberation Best



The Coach House Garden commemorates the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Best by British soldiers of the 15th Scottish Division and the 51st Highland Division.

The Koetshuistuin commemorates the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Best by British soldiers of the 15th Scottish Division and the 51st Highland Division.

During the ceremony, plaques will be unveiled bearing the names of the 171 Britons who died. Music will be provided by Harmonie St Caecilia, the Occasion Choir and backpiper Willie McVean. The ceremony will start at 6.30pm. Afterwards, at the initiative of Musical October Best, there will be a performance by the Marine Band of the Royal Navy in Best's sports hall.

Koetshuistuin None, 5683AD Best

mjvanschuppen@onsbrabantnet.nl None

Organiser: Comité Herdenkingen Best
